Phase I Environmental Assessment
The objectives of a Phase I Environmental Assessment include determining, as far as possible without Phase II testing, whether there are or have been negative environmental impacts on the subject property
The ASTM E 1527-21 standard is consistent with the requirements of the final rule and may be used to comply with the provisions of the rule. The goal of the processes established by this practice is to identify recognized environmental conditions. The term recognized environmental conditions means the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property at or from adjacent or surrounding properties. The inspection includes site visit walk through of grounds and adjoining properties with a complete federal and state data base search. Reports are delivered electronically via email or down load links provided to you via email.
The objectives of the Phase I Environmental Assessment are produced through the completion of the following tasks in conformance with the scope and limitations of the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) Practice ASTM E 1527-21 Standards:
Review of available historical data and historical aerial photographs of the subject property.
On-site visual survey of the subject property.
Conducting interviews, as the qualifier deems necessary, with pertinent parties including current tenants, neighbors, government officials and other individuals with knowledge of current and past site conditions.
Review of adjacent properties to identify possible environmental impact to the subject site.
Review of pertinent governmental records including both National and State lists, topography maps and other information and records that may be supplied to BAI Inspection Services LLC by representatives of the subject property buyers and sellers
A certified report is then produced by an Environmental Site Assessment Professional that is based on the facts as developed from the above tasks and sources. The published report is always privileged and confidential to the client ordering the assessment.
Prices are based on size and complexity: Contact us direct for a free quote today!